Gym Rates

We offer a FREE Personal Training Sessions or 3 FREE Trial Days of the Gym! Stop by or call to take advantage of this deal!

Current Rates:

Regular Gym and Classes - $39.99/month

24 Hour Access and Classes - $49.99/month

These prices are a 1 year commitment, after the year is up, the membership automatically switches to month to month/no commitment.  You can cancel anytime after that with a 30 day written cancellation notice.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request cancellation.  You can only cancel through the gym not ABC.  We do not accept phone call cancellations!  Downpayment is $19 and there is a $39 annual maintenance fee that comes out once a year in February.

Join Online Now

We are NOW a 24 Hour Facility!

Below are Hours someone will be at the Front Desk and when doors are unlocked.  Any Members that have Regular Gym Hour Memberships are not permitted in the building after the door lock hours. 

Day Times
Monday - Friday 4:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM